The origins of Freemasonry are said to date back several centuries to the 16th century guilds of medieval Europe that built cathedrals and other buildings of the time.
These skilled builders wanted to protect their valuable trade. They therefore created a system where they accepted apprentices into their working groups and trained them to eventually become Masters of their craft.

Freemasonry as it is known today began earlier than that to be able to recall specifically. However; England in the year 1717 had four Lodges came together to form the first Grand Lodge. Eventually, masonic Lodges in Ireland and Scotland also formed Grand Lodges. As Freemasonry continuously formed and spread around the world, other Grand Lodges were constituted.

Freemasonry came to Ghana in the mid-1800 with Lodges operating variously under the authority of the English, Irish and Scottish Grand Lodges. These Grand Lodges eventually formed administrative Districts and a Province in Ghana.

Freemasonry means different things to each member. Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world. There are about 5 million Freemasons around the world. Freemasonry is not a religion or a substitute for religion.
It is not political and being a Freemason will not give a person money, power, fame and fortune.

Freemasonry is not involved in politics, religion, and it is not a secret society.

Freemasonry promotes brotherly love, personal development, care for family and community, assistance to the less privileged. 
Over the years, many men who have marked the history of Ghana by their contributions to society have been Freemasons. They include teachers, clergymen, Traditional Rulers, public servants, traders, judges, statesmen, farmers and generally men of every walk of life.